Sunday, 10 June 2012

Find out about singing lessons in Bristol

Welcome to my website/blog which gives details about singing lessons in Bristol and is also a place where I share thoughts, hints and tips on singing, singers and all things musical!

If you're new to the site, I am Nick Langston, I have been singing for as long as I can remember and have a love for all kinds of music from jazz to pop to rock to funk to soul and many, many other styles.  I have been performing for a number of years, most recently with the promotion of my album 'Captivated' (more details at which helped me gain a number of songwriting awards and also enabled me to perform at Glastonbury Festival in 2010 and 2011.

I have also been teaching singing (and guitar) for several years through  If you are here to find out more about singing lessons and what you could gain from a vocal coach then have a read and get in touch with me if you would like to find out more -  I also work with songwriters and have all the facilities and experience for recording and releasing music - has a good overview of some of the services offered.

Whether you are new to singing or an experienced performer, you should hopefully get some useful ideas here.  I'm also happy to work with singers of all ages (including children - I am a qualified teacher) and have a wide range of experience.

Thanks for visiting.


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